Behavioral Health Care Delivery

On October 10, 2017, executives from Sanford Health, Sioux Falls, SD shared how they developed and implemented "Sanford One Care" an enterprise wide, integrative, team-based collaborative to improve access to integrated behavioral and physical health care.
Held December 7, 2016 Join a small group of your executive colleagues for a conference call and discussion. Caroline Fisher, M.D., Ph.D., vice president and chair Mental Health, and Heidi May-Stoulil, Director of Mental Health Operations, Samaritan Health Services, Corvallis, OR will describe…
Learn about suicide prevention during Suicide Prevention Awareness Month with resources from the American Hospital Association.
A Monthly Report for Members of the American Hospital Association and the National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems
Update on Key Issues in the Behavioral Health Care Field: November 2017
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Behavioral Health

This web page is designed to provide easy access to information and tools that will assist hospitals and health systems in navigating the changing behavioral health care system and understanding national, state and local activities affecting behavioral health.
Benjamin Van Voorhees, M.D., the University of Illinois Medical Center’s chief of general pediatrics, is teaching children coping skills through a combination of online learning and traditional counseling. He hopes a technology-based “behavioral vaccine” can reduce the risk of mental illness for a…
HELD: Thursday, September 7, 2017 2:30 - 3:30 PM CDT A discussion on the effective integration of behavioral health and oncology featuring executives from Massachusetts General Hospital was held on Thursday, September 7.
AHA supports the integration of behavioral and physical health and helps hospitals play a key role in establishing partnerships to ensure access to a full continuum of behavioral health care.