Association for Community Health Improvement (ACHI)

Find content about AHA's Association for Community Health Improvement, which aims to advance healthy communities by providing members with education, professional development, resources and engagement opportunities in the fields of community health, population health and community benefit.

In June 2019, the American Hospital Association (AHA) celebrated Community Health Improvement (CHI) Week, a national event to recognize the important role hospitals, health systems and communities have in advancing health and well-being.
“Achieving health equity is a journey,” write Priya Bathija, AHA vice president of strategic initiatives, and Julia Resnick, senior program manager. To bridge the gap between commitment and action, they discuss AHA’s new resource, Societal Factors that Influence Health: A Framework for Hospitals.
The COVID-19 pandemic has placed spotlight on health inequities in the United States. It has illuminated that, regardless of access to health care services, social and economic circumstances make some people more likely than others to become ill or have poor health.
Hear several organizations describe their programs to address patients' unmet legal needs and how COVID-19 has shaped the focus of medical-legal partnerships.
Hospital-Community Partnerships: Meeting Health and Social Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic  Wednesday, October 21, 2020  12 - 1 p.m. Eastern; 11 –12 p.m. Central; 9 - 10 a.m. Pacific  
In this webinar, the Center for Community Investment will share the basics about capital investment and how hospitals and health systems can leverage their existing resources for greater impact on health in their communities.
On this AHA Advancing Health podcast, Priya Bathija, vice president of AHA’s The Value Initiative, discusses how today’s health care providers increasingly realize that social needs impact a patient’s overall health and how to begin these sensitive conversations.
Community health workers can become crucial links between hospitals and health systems and the communities they serve, helping patients overcome barriers to care. Read examples from a recent workshop, and view a resource developed by the AHA and National Urban League to help hospitals and health…
This toolkit aims to help hospitals and health systems facilitate sensitive conversations with patients about their nonmedical needs that may be a barrier to good health.