Advocacy & Public Policy

Resources from the American Hospital Association (AHA) on advocacy and public policy health care issues.

Responding to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ physician fee schedule proposed rule for calendar year 2021, the AHA said it appreciates the agency’s effort to continue certain pandemic-era policies that have helped hospitals and health systems ensure access to care for patients…
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) today announced the forthcoming distribution to all hospitals, as well as other providers, of $20 billion in funds from the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund
The AHA urged the Department of Health and Human Services to reinstate the COVID-19 Provider Relief Fund reporting requirements outlined in its June 19 FAQ that defined both expenses and lost revenues attributable to COVID-19.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will withdraw its Medicaid fiscal accountability proposed rule from its regulatory agenda.
The AHA requests that the Department of Health and Human Services revise certain FAQs that place problematic restrictions on the use of some CARES Act Provider Relief Fund dollars.
AHA Advocacy Update Podcast. Listen to AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack and Executive Vice President of Government Relations and Public Policy Tom Nickels discuss the latest activity in Washington. They talk about what actions are expected on the political horizon and the implications they could…
As part of AHA’s We Care, We Vote initiative the association released a new video featuring current and former members of the AHA Board of Trustees discussing the importance of voting and sharing how they encourage voter participation at their organizations.
In a friend-of-the-court brief filed Sept.3, the AHA expressed support for the decision by the U. S. District Court for the District of New Mexico that Presbyterian Health Care Services’ efforts to integrate vertically did not violate the antitrust laws.
The federal appeals court in Washington, D.C., should overturn a lower court ruling upholding a Department of Health and Human Services final rule requiring hospitals to disclose the rates they agree to accept from insurers, the AHA told the court , joined by the Association of American Medical…
The AHA and other national health care groups urged the Department of Health and Human Services to protect 340B hospitals and the vulnerable communities they serve “from actions taken by five of the nation’s largest pharmaceutical manufacturers that undermine access to critical drugs and other…