Access & Health Coverage

As the nation debates changes to the Affordable Care Act, it’s worth noting what’s been gained with the expansion of health care coverage to more than 20 million Americans. For the first time, many who suffer from addiction and substance abuse disorders are getting treatment thanks to their…
Nearly 16.2 million people enrolled in Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program between Oct. 1, 2013 and Dec. 31, 2016, increasing total enrollment in the programs by more than 28% since the start of the first open enrollment period for the Health Insurance Marketplace, according to a…
When Congress returns next week, Republican leaders intend on advancing legislation repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act – legislation which would currently include the possible redesign of the Medicaid program. Medicaid today provides coverage to more than 70 million children and poor,…
“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.”– Martin Luther King Jr.Black History Month is the perfect time to ask, “What progress is your hospital making in equity of care? What progress are you making in support of the idea that a person’s fate in…
Today, draft legislative language became public regarding potential Affordable Care Act (ACA) repeal and replace legislation that may be considered by the House. This Bulletin summarizes major parts of the bill.
Most governors are planning upcoming budgets that assume federal funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program will continue, according to a survey released today by the National Academy for State Health Policy. Thirty-three of the 40 states responding to the December survey said their…
While Congress passed a budget resolution last month “unlocking” the reconciliation process to repeal and replace or repair the Affordable Care Act, the January 27 deadline for the committees of jurisdiction to develop substantive legislation has come and gone. That’s why the options outlined…
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today issued a proposed rule designed to help stabilize the Health Insurance Marketplaces. The rule proposes changes in six areas: special enrollment periods; guaranteed issue; actuarial value; network adequacy; qualified health plan…
Press Release Statement on CMS Proposed Rule to Increase Patients' Health Insurance Choices for 2018 Tom Nickels Executive Vice President American Hospital Association