Access & Health Coverage

Patients and families depend on health insurance to access and be able to afford the care they need when they need it. Today’s proposed rule is a step in the wrong direction for patients and health care providers because it would allow insurers to sell products that do not constitute true “…
Health insurers use the annual list to identify providers meeting ECP requirements for Qualified Health Plans participating in health insurance exchanges.
National health expenditures are projected to grow an average 5.5% annually during 2017-2026, outpacing average projected growth in gross domestic product by 1 percentage point, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Office of the Actuary reported yesterday.
America’s hospitals and health systems believe that the federal budget should not weaken our national commitment to provide access to quality hospital and health system services that provide a lifeline for our patients and communities.   
Senate leaders today announced an agreement on a deal that would raise spending caps on military and domestic programs over the next two years.
Nearly 11.8 million people selected a 2018 health plan during open enrollment, based on new data from the National Academy for State Health Policy that includes all U.S. states.
America’s Health Insurance Plans today released findings from a study assessing health insurance claims from 2009 to 2013 on six recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain.
About seven in 10 Americans with employer-sponsored coverage are satisfied with their health plans but concerned about rising costs, according to a survey released today by America’s Health Insurance Plans.
Introduction As you attend various workshops and sessions throughout the 2018 Rural Health Care Leadership Conference, you can share the following messages on social media to encourage support for rural health coverage. Join in with the #ruralhealth hashtag. Feel free to contact Emily Gustafson…
Rural hospitals provide essential health care services to some 57 million people. Because of their size, modest assets and financial reserves, and higher percentages of Medicare patients, small and rural hospitals disproportionately rely on government payments.