Access & Health Coverage

In this AHA Advancing Health podcast, Tom Priselac, president and CEO of Cedars-Sinai Health System in California, discusses how efforts to expand patient access to high-quality, affordable care are driving new hospital and health system relationships.
The American Hospital Association’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity (IFDHE) and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) today announced a joint collaboration and one-year grant program to support hospitals in eliminating health care disparities and working toward ensuring…
Statement  of the  American Hospital Association  for the  Committee on Energy and Commerce  Subcommittee on Health  of the  U.S. House of Representatives  “Proposals to Achieve Universal Health Care Coverage"  December 10, 2019   
A federal judge in Oregon yesterday granted a nationwide preliminary injunction blocking, until litigation is resolved, a presidential proclamation requiring most individuals seeking to enter the United States via an immigrant visa to have approved health insurance coverage within 30 days of entry.
Our nation’s freedom is safeguarded by our brave women and men in uniform, who willingly risk their lives for love of country and ask nothing in return except for the chance, when the time comes, to successfully return to civilian life.  
From all of us here at the AHA, thank you to every veteran who has defended our country … and our freedom.
A federal judge in New York today voided the Department of Health and Human Services’ 2019 final rule concerning certain statutory conscience rights in health care on lack of statutory authority and constitutional grounds.
Near universal health care coverage could be achieved without a complete overhaul of the health system, according to a report released today by the Urban Institute and the Commonwealth Fund.
An estimated 27.5 million U.S. residents (8.5%) lacked health insurance at some point in 2018, up from 25.6 million (7.9%) in 2017, the Census Bureau reported today.
ONC yesterday selected the Sequoia Project to maintain the Common Agreement component of the Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement.