Access to Care in Vulnerable Communities

The AHA today expressed support for the Children’s Hospital GME Support Reauthorization Act of 2018 (S. 2597/H.R. 5385), which would reauthorize the Children’s Hospitals Graduate Medical Education program for an additional five years and fund the program annually at $330 million.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration will award Massachusetts, New Hampshire and West Virginia $333,000 each in additional funding to bolster their opioid prevention, treatment and recovery efforts.
U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams, M.D., touted “better health through better partnership” in a speech last week at the AHA’s Association for Community Health Improvement conference.
At the AHA’s Association for Community Health Improvement (ACHI) National Conference last week, U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams, M.D., spoke about how strengthening relationships between health care organizations and communities is the key to improving health. Aligned with his motto, “Better…
Priya Bathija, staff liaison to the AHA Board Task Force, reviewed the report on Ensuring Access in Vulnerable Communities and discussed the nine strategies which these communities could consider to protect access to essential health care services.
In the first of four webinars, Priya Bathija, AHA Policy reviewed the strategies for virtual care/telehealth.
In the second of four free webinars, Priya Bathija, AHA Policy reviewed the strategies for the social determinants of health.
"Super-utilizers" refers to a small section of the population accounting for a large portion of emergency room visits and puts a heavy burden on hospital services and public health budgets.
This case study is from “Housing and the Role of Hospitals,” which offers strategies and case examples to help hospitals and health systems address housing issues in their communities. For more information and to access the full guide, click here.