340B Drug Pricing Program

University of Louisville (UofL) Health is a fully integrated regional academic health system with nine hospitals, a cancer center, an eye institute and nearly 200 clinics serving communities across Kentucky and Southern Indiana.
Urge your representatives to sign letter to HHS asking it to take action to protect providers from ‘devastating’ J&J 340B proposal; deadline is Sept. 20.
“As pharmaceutical companies throw stone after stone at the 340B program, they should beware of their own glass house. Their complaints ring hollow when it is clear that their own actions are driving growth in the program,” says an op-ed in Medical Economics authored by Bharath Krishnamurthy, AHA…
The Health Resources and Services Administration Sept. 17 told Johnson & Johnson that the company’s publicly announced plans to implement a 340B rebate model “violates J&J’s obligations under the 340B statute, and HRSA expects J&J to cease implementation of it.”
The Health Resources and Services Administration today told Johnson & Johnson that the company’s publicly announced plans to implement a 340B rebate model “violates J&J’s obligations under the 340B statute, and HRSA expects J&J to cease implementation of it.”
Reps. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.), Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.), Doris Matsui (D-Calif.), Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.), Tracey Mann (R-Kan.) and Rob Wittman (R-Va.) are asking representatives to sign onto a letter to the Department of Health and Human Services urging it to take action to stop Johnson &…
The AHA Sept. 9 released a report highlighting how hospitals’ arrangements with community and specialty pharmacies improve access to care for underserved patients.
A district court in Baltimore Sept. 5 ruled against drug companies and PhRMA, denying their attempt to obtain a preliminary injunction against 340B pricing for contract pharmacy arrangements in Maryland, according to Reuters.
HRSA, which oversees the 340B program, has recognized the need for hospitals to partner with community and specialty pharmacies. Despite the demonstrated benefits to patients, these arrangements have been criticized by drug companies.