Hospital Departments

This is the third resource in the Capital Absorption Framework series on communities; this brief looks at the enabling environment where community investment deals are created and how to strengthen this environment.
This is the second resource in the Capital Absorption Framework series on communities; this brief defines a pipeline while exploring why pipelines are important for expanding the community investment system.
This is the first in the Capital Absorption Framework series on communities. This first brief discusses identifying shared priorities between communities to aid in investment.
This toolkit, developed in collaboration with the Catholic Health Association, is designed to help health care organizations look at their resources in a different light, expand their efforts to support their communities, and maximize their impact on community health by harnessing the power of…
This toolkit outlines a range of strategies for how health systems are using their investment assets to help address the resource gaps that keep communities from achieving better health and well-being.
This toolkit focuses on developing health care community partnership strategies that can help expand health care services, eliminate inequities and improve health equity.
This toolkit, developed in collaboration with the Catholic Health Association, is designed to help health care organizations look at their resources in a different light, expand their efforts to support their communities, and maximize their impact on community health by harnessing the power of…
Multi-sectoral collaboration between governments, businesses, non-profit organizations, and people with lived/living experience of poverty has been recognized as a core principle of effective poverty-reduction work since the establishment of Vibrant Communities in 2002. This guide seeks to further…
This guide is intended as a resource for effective dialogue about work with communities, with the overarching goal of beginning to collectively explore the vision, assets and commonalities that will help build a movement for positive and lasting social change towards a more just and equitable…
The role of the physical environment in communication between health-care professionals and persons with communication problems is a neglected area. This study provides an overview of factors in the physical environment that play a role in communication during conversations between people who are…