State Association

Governor Jack Markell presented his Fiscal Year 2012 Budget. The budget calls for spending a total of .432 billion this year as compared to the 2011 Budget Act total of .305 billion. The Governor identified a gap of 92.9 million of spending increases that are either mandated by law, tied to…
Prepared by New Jersey Hospital Association, General Counsel Fred JacobsFebruary 2011
Compiled by Jim Kranz, West Virginia Hospital AssociationFebruary 2011
Checklist of key issues and questions on the implementation of health insurance exchanges
Press release of the Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council
Attached is a chart with information provided by several of the state and metropolitan hospital associations
2010-2011 State Legislative Actions to Create Health Information Exchanges \(HIEs\) \(Responses to query compiled by Perry Meyer, Iowa Hospital Association\)
The recent decision by the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia found the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act's individual mandate...