State Association

CHA has released its 2011 Public Policy Goals and Advocacy Priorities, focusing on achieving a statutory and regulatory environment in which hospitals can successfully meet the challenges of health care reform.
Last month the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration presented the Legislative Joint Budget Committee with the Governors proposal for a balanced state budget covering the FY 2012-FY 2013 biennium.
One of the major priorities of this Legislature is to rein in the growth in the Medicaid budget. To that end, Senator Dan Liljenquist will soon introduce S.B. 180 Medicaid Reform. While the actual language of this legislation is not yet public it will be a framework for reducing the growth in the…
Medicaid on the Hook for Serious Cuts Again: Look for the Legislature to take a very hard look at Medicaid funding this session.
For the past several weeks, and I suspect through at least the end of March, SDAHO is using the phrase ")Some Cuts Never Heal") to encapsulate our ongoing advocacy efforts urging the State Legislature to rethink the proposed 10% cut in Medicaid reimbursement for participating providers. So, whats…
Because the State is reliant mostly on sales, gaming and payroll taxes, the Economic Forum is projecting that State revenues will fall billion short of the budget requests of all State agencies. Given Governor-elect Sandovals ")no new taxes") pledge, even the proposed 10% cuts included in the…
Governor Pawlentys proposed 2010-2011 biennial budget focuses program cuts to a greater extent on health and human services at a time when this area of the budget is under the greatest strain due to the downturn in the economy.
Budget hearings in departments within DHMH and the regulatory commissions
Position briefing - Hospitals and Indiana Medicaid: Inadequate Payment Puts Program on Unsustainable Path