
A new report from the Government Accountability Office \(GAO\) on executive compensation for not-for-profit hospitals may generate questions from local media and others about how executive compensation is set at your organization. To help you respond to potential press calls, this Advisory…
In 2000, the Federal Communications Commission \(FCC\) dedicated a portion of the radio spectrum for wireless medical telemetry devices such as wireless heart, blood pressure and respiratory monitors. The creation of the Wireless Medical Telemetry Service \(WMTS\) was a direct result of advocacy…
CMS published in the May 12 Federal Register the long-term care hospital prospective payment system \(LTCH PPS\) final rule for rate year 2007, which begins July 1, 2006. AHA remains concerned that the final regulation still cuts payments by 7.1 percent.
As part of the Administration's efforts to make hospital pricing more transparent, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services \(CMS\) today released information on Medicare payments for 30 common procedures aggregated by county. This advisory was prepared to alert you to the CMS release.