
On November 18, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid \(D-NV\) unveiled the PatientProtection and Affordable Care Act of 2009 \(H.R. 3590\), the merged product of the health reform bills from the Senate Finance and HELP committees. This advisory provides a detailed summary of key proposals affecting…
Readmissions policy
Health reform - public plan
Health Care Employer Responses to the H1N1 Pandemic
Responses Received as of 11/12/09 from AHA A2 Workforce Group
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid \(D-NV\) last night unveiled the ")PatientProtection and Affordable Care Act") \(H.R. 3590\).
Responses Received as of 11/12/09 from AHA A2 Workforce Group
On Saturday, November 7, the House passed by a vote of 220 to 215 the Affordable Health Care for America Act of 2009 \(H.R. 3962\). The bill, which reflects the outcome of the mark-up of three committees with jurisdiction over health care reform as well as negotiations conducted by the House…
On October 30, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services \(CMS\) released the outpatient prospective payment system \(OPPS\) and ambulatory surgical center \(ASC\) final rule for calendar year \(CY\) 2010.
A report by Jones Day, American Hospital Association & AmericanSociety for Healthcare Human Resources Administration