
American Hospital Association content that is available to the public and all website users.

Oakwood Healthcare Inc., NLRB \(Notice and Invitation to file briefs on interpretation and application of ")supervisory status") under the NLRA\)
This article proposes a definition of population health and differentiates the concept from public health, health promotion and social epidemiology.
This article traces the historical progression of the population health approach as part of health care delivery. The authors show how economic, medical and epidemiological trends have affected population health over the past two centuries.
This article discusses definitions of population health and how various models of can operationalize population health priniciples in diverse situations.
The TriCentral Palliative Care Program toolkit presents a wide range of educational, technical assistance and other support materials that address every aspect of program development. Based on the materials used in the TCPC Program, the toolkit provides a blueprint for the program, as well as…