
American Hospital Association content that is available to the public and all website users.

What is patient- and family-centered care? Why does it matter? How does it fit with a hospital's overall mission? And finally, what can a hospital leader do to advance the practice of patient- and family-centered care? Where do they start?
Standardizing the colors of the wristbands used in hospitals is the sensible approach to improving patient safety, and many state hospital associations have already engaged their hospitals in this effort. As the national advocate for America's hospitals, the AHA is asking all hospitals to consider…
The Federal Trade Commission \(FTC\) last November issued a ")Red Flags Rule") thatrequires financial institutions and creditors holding consumer or other ")coveredaccounts") to develop and implement an identity theft prevention program.
Illinois Appellate Court, Fourt District, has overturned a favorable lower court decision and has reinstated the Department of Revenue's revocative of Provena Covenant Medical Center's property tax exemption.
Complaint - OHA and AHA v. Shalala, Sec'y of DHHS, Oct. 7, 1996
Appellate Ct decision dismissing suit for lack of subject matter jurisdiction, 9-18-1997
Amicus brief - Exeter Hospital medical Staff v. Board of Trustees of Exeter Health Resources, Inc., et al the State of New Hampshire Supreme Court
Your Home Visiting Nurse Services v. Shalala
Amicus Brief - Power v. Arlington Hospital Association: United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
Amicus brief - Gibson, et al, v. Virginia Mason Medical Center