
American Hospital Association content that is available to the public and all website users.

AHA files an amicus brief in support of an appeal by Tuomey Healthcare System of Sumter, SC, of a lower court's award of more than 4 million to the federal government based on alleged violations of the Stark Law
Amici Brief submitted by the AHA and ASHHRA in support of the respondent employer - Case 30-CA-17185
Geographic Variation in Health Care Spending: A Closer Look, TrendWatch, November 2009
This article presents four case studies of effective community and academic partnership that improved population health.
This report discussses the Center for Disease Control's involvement with Prevention Research Centers to find innovative, community-based approaches to promote health and prevent disease.
This paper discusses how new technologies can be applied to improve the health of populations and the health care experience while reducing costs.
An NQF endorsement reflects rigorous scientific and evidence-based review, input from patients and their families, and the perspectives of people throughout the health care industry. The science of measuring health care performance has made enormous progress over the last decade, and it continues…
This 46-page document reviews the history of Regional Health Improvement Collaboratives and considers their structure that has contributed to the overall success.