
American Hospital Association content that is available to the public and all website users.

Vermont begins building a single-payer health system that will move many state residents into a publicly financed insurance program and pay hospitals, doctors and other providers a set fee to care for patients.
This report outlines promising provisions in the Affordable Care Act to achieve improved health and cost containment. It goes on to project the financial impact of those provisions.
This article describes the development of the regional health collaborative, a population-based health care model, to improve the health of a largely Hispanic community in New York. Results from the first six months of the program are reported, and the program is offered as a model for other urban…
This article proposes an examination of health disparities through the lens of public health to provide a foundation for developing more robust evidence to inform policy.
In this article, the author argues that health equity is best achieved by securing access to high quality health care for the entire population to improve population health, improve patient care experiences and reduce health care costs.
n response to growing interest from the hospital community in better understanding and improving the experience of patients and their families during hospitalization, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement conducted an in-depth review of the research, studied exemplar organizations, and…
Could changing the staffing model in the intensive care unit reduce patients' risk of dying?According to the Leapfrog Group for Patient Safety, ICUs staffed with intensivists (also known as critical care physicians) can reduce mortality by 40 percent. This practice also is endorsed by the…
The focus of this edition of the Economic Outlook is the physician preference market. The content provides trends in purchasing behavior regarding physician preference items; strategies for managing the cost of physician preference items; and how shifts in the health care landscape, such as…
The business adage 'what gets measured gets managed' applies in health care. Two projects focus on measuring and improving the patient experience in community clinics.
The National Scorecard on U.S. Health System Performance, 2011, updates a series of comprehensive assessments of U.S. population health and health care quality, access, efficiency, and equity. It finds substantial improvement on quality-of-care indicators that have been the focus of public…