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The SUNY Downsstate Medical Center kidney transplant team identified an increase in the difference between expected and actual graft rejections/patient expirations rates. SUNY Donstate, in partnership wtih Metrompolitan Jewish Health System's long-term home health care program created the post…
Falls prevention monitoring led to a closer look at Mercy Medical Center's acute inpatient rehabilitation population. It was noted that 90 percent of patients who fell in December 2009 were cerebral vascular accident patients. Twenty-two percent of the patients who fell had left-sided CVAs, 67…
Emergency department admitted patients used to wait an average of 24 hours for an inpatient bed at Mercy Medical Center. The functional capacity of the ED for 'treat and release' patients was impaired, post-anesthesia recovery room flow was adversely affected, and patient and staff satisfaction…
In the United States, there has been a growing health care divide between vulnerable populations defined in this report as people without health insurance, low-income families, and racial and ethnic minorities and the rest of society. Decades of research has demonstrated that vulnerable Americans…
AHA Committee on Research Members Eugene A Woods, FACHE (chair)
A controversial safety intervention, rapid response systems (RRS) do not appear to improve clinical outcomes despite being extremely popular among hospital staff, who point to many individual cases where RRS have been beneficial. This ethnographic analysis of RRS at two British hospitals…
Patient-Centered Medical HomeAn AHA Research Synthesis Report
According to the survey, few nurses and physicians reported routinely submitting online reports, in contrast to physicists, dosimetrists and radiation therapists who reported the most use of error and near-miss reporting systems. Nearly all respondents agreed that error reporting is their…