
American Hospital Association content that is available to the public and all website users.

Telehealth systems are reshaping healthcare delivery. Explore how hospitals and health systems can leverage technology to provide quality care to their communities.
AHA responds to Representative Joseph Pitts' Graduate Medical Education open letter.
In honor of its broad-based efforts to improve the lives of the most vulnerable members of its community, Palmetto Health in Columbia, South Carolina, is the recipient of the 2014 Foster G. McGaw Prize for Excellence in Community Service.
As the U.S. health care system transforms, hospitals are playing a greater role in building a culture of health in their communities. Building off the HPOE/RWJF guide Hospital-based Strategies for Creating a Culture of Health, this webinar features two examples of hospitals that are engaging in…
How high tech, transparent marketplaces and consumer power are transforming U.S. healthcare.