
American Hospital Association content that is available to the public and all website users.

What is it?In September 2013, Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) became a Jason Foundation, Inc. (JFI) National Community Affiliate and announced plans to establish Community Resource Centers at 10 hospitals that provide adolescent behavioral health services. The Community Resource Centers serve…
What is it?The hospital has integrated behavioral health screenings and services into its programs and collaborates with community partners to address service gaps. In 2006, the hospital launched a postpartum depression program with local providers to screen all pregnant and postpartum women in the…
What is it?Wellness Works is a worksite wellness program that promotes stress reduction, healthy eating, physical activity and behavior change. Primary objectives are (1) reward employees already making healthy lifestyle choices; (2) encourage medium- and high-risk employees to make positive…
What is it?North Oaks has sponsored the Tangipahoa Parish Physical Day for 24 years and the Livingston Parish Physical Day for five years for students to fulfill Louisiana High School Athletic Association requirements to participate in school athletic programs. Approximately 30 providers, as well…
What is it?Since 1997, the Wayne County Rural Health Network, a collaborative partnership of health and human service providers, has provided a forum for the exchange of information among organizations and individuals to identify and address emerging and unmet health and human service needs. The…
What is it?Castle Medical Center’s Wellness &Lifestyle Medicine Center offers a free Live Well Tobacco-Free program for the community and hospitalized patients. The program uses evidence-based strategies for tobacco cessation. Lifestyle behavior changes also are incorporated to promote a…
What is it?The hospital’s Comprehensive Breast Care program provides a multidisciplinary spectrum of services including screening, prevention, surgery, post-surgical treatments and complementary supports that promote long-term survivorship. Through a breast nurse navigator, patients are connected…
What is it?The University of Mississippi Medical Center has partnered with Jackson Public Schools and the University of Mississippi School of Nursing to operate three nurse-managed health clinics in Lanier High School, Johnson Elementary, and a joint clinic at Brown Elementary and Rowan Middle…
What is it?Started in July 2015, Healthy Ride is a bike-sharing program featuring 500 bikes located at 50 docking stations around Pittsburgh. The bikes have chubby tires to tackle rough streets, a cushy seat to soften the ride, a front rack for carrying groceries, fenders to keep puddle spatter off…
What is it?The Finney County Community Health Coalition (FCCHC) brings together more than 50 community partners on a regular basis to identify community needs and find funding to support them. The coalition began by framing three major community needs: reducing risky behaviors for young people,…