University of Mississippi Medical Center - School-Based Health and Wellness Clinics

The University of Mississippi Medical Center has partnered with Jackson Public Schools and the University of Mississippi School of Nursing to operate three nurse-managed health clinics in Lanier High School, Johnson Elementary, and a joint clinic at Brown Elementary and Rowan Middle School. The clinics provide students with confidential health services, referrals for treatment, and age-appropriate health information with a focus on good decision-making to avert risky behavior that can have a lifelong impact.

What is it?

The University of Mississippi Medical Center has partnered with Jackson Public Schools and the University of Mississippi School of Nursing to operate three nurse-managed health clinics in Lanier High School, Johnson Elementary, and a joint clinic at Brown Elementary and Rowan Middle School. The clinics provide students with confidential health services, referrals for treatment, and age-appropriate health information with a focus on good decision-making to avert risky behavior that can have a lifelong impact.

Who is it for?

Students in the Jackson area.

Why do they do it?

In-school clinics remove barriers to care and preventive health services, among them ability to pay, lack of transportation and student concerns that family or friends will learn personal details of their health needs.


The clinics serve thousands of children and teens.

Contact: Ruth Cummins
Media Contact
Telephone: 601-984-1104