
American Hospital Association content that is available to the public and all website users.

Nighttime or off-shift intubations are a low-frequency, high-risk procedure in a community hospital with no anesthesia in-house and an inconsistent level of skill from our traditional in-house resident and hospitalist coverage. Solving the problem is complex and can be costly. Brigham and Women's…
Mercy Medical Center committed to delivering the highest quality care with the greatest efficiency at the lowest costs. To do so, hospital leaders launched a bold transformation initiative called CareConnect. This innovative approach to care delivery applies many proven processes and tools used in…
The skilled nursing facility three-day waiver program is an exciting opportunity at Partners HealthCare to test a new way of improving care and reducing costs. The waiver allows Pioneer accountable care organization beneficiaries to receive coverage for SNF services without a prior three-day…
North Shore Medical Center aims to provide the perfect patient experience based on evidence-based medical practices. To achieve this, the organization worked to formalize the creation, review and implementation of a patient's plan of care that connects the clinical care team to the patient.…
The ICMP Program is a Care Manager collaborative created to ensure the transition of patient care across various settings. When an ICMP patient enters the emergency department, they are flagged in our computer system so that the Care Manager (CM) is notified. Once notified, the CM then informs the…
For patients, the transition between acute and post-acute care is rife with risk. Even with modern electronic medical records and responsible clinicians who seek to collaborate with each other, information can be lost or misunderstood, patients can decompensate and setbacks are common. Particularly…
The health system's vision in 2014 was 'to transform the delivery and financing of health care to provide a high-quality, affordable, integrated and patient-centered system of care that will serve as a model for the nation.' A plan was made to expand the number of bundled payment arrangements…
In 2012, a physician-led Pioneer accountable care organization recognized an opportunity to better serve patients requiring care in skilled nursing facilities after a hospital stay. The organization began building a preferred network of SNFs and providers to improve collaboration between facility…
Tufts Medical Center made a decision to create its own quality improvement training for its workforce in 2013. The impetus for the project was recognition of the need to build capacity for doing improvement work, create a common language, maintain high-quality care and align the projects with…
Throughout the country, primary care is faced with ongoing waves of healthcare reform (e.g. Accountable Care Organization, ICD-10, changing payment structures). Locally, within the network, physicians are also facing an influx of change from the implementation of a new Electronic Health Record (EHR…