
American Hospital Association content that is available to the public and all website users.

Overview Individuals with dementia can face significant barriers to engaging in the social life of their community. Many find their local communities do not offer support or understanding for their condition; as a result, these individuals give up things they love to do out of anxiety or fear.…
Press Release Statement on Better Care Reconciliation Act Rick Pollack President and CEO American Hospital Association   July 18, 2017  
The disease management process at Bassett Medical Center was positively impacted after the hospital developed an improved system that allows quality reporting. The process improvement helped manage patient outcomes, patient experience and quality indicators. The initiative was supported by a team…
Maimonides Medical Center implemented four evidence-based practices using the Plan, Do, Study, Act methodology that improved colorectal surgical outcomes, reduced colorectal mortality and morbidity rates and decreased the number of visits to the operating room. These four processes were:
Overview The “At Your Service” (AYS) Volunteer Intern Program is an innovative, cost-neutral program that provides undergraduate students with an invaluable learning and professional experience, while simultaneously aiding the Temple University Hospital (TUH) community in enhancing patient…
Overview Children raised in homes that promote family literacy grow up to be better readers and perform better in school than children raised where literacy is not promoted. Therefore, Mercy Hospital of Northwest Arkansas auxiliary initiated the community service project of providing “Literacy…