Small and Rural

This issue of the Small or Rural Update reviews the AHA rural advocacy agenda, federal rule making, national policy priorities and tools and resources for rural hospitals.
Held May 31, 2018 Join the AHA Section for Small or Rural Hospitals as we feature the 2017 AHA Rural Hospital Leadership award recipient Bryan Slaba and finalist Erik Thorsen and their efforts to ensure access to care and improve population health in their rural communities.
Ensuring Access and Improving Population Health through Collaboration and Patient-Centered Care
Connecting health systems and community-based organizations to improve outcomes
This issue of the Small or Rural Update reviews the state of play on several legislative and regulatory issues of particular importance to small and rural hospitals such as The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Also, please make plans to attend AHA's Rural Leadership Conference, Feb. 4-7.
2017 Webinar and Conference Call Series October 19, 2017 Emergency Medical Centers to Ensure a Medical Presence Agenda:
Panelists share transitional care strategies to help those who frequent their emergency departments, as well tips about how telemedicine has empowered them.
Congress Feb. 9 passed a budget bill containing a number of provisions important to hospitals and health systems.