
American Hospital Association infographics for members and the health care field.

Human trafficking is a heinous crime that affects people of all ages and backgrounds. Our infographic on 10 red flags can help you spot potential victims.
Source: AHA analysis using BEA RIMS-II (2007/2016) multipliers for hospitals NAICS Code 62000, released March 2018, applied to Health Forum, 2016 AHA Survey of Hospitals data.
Source: AHA analysis using BEA RIMS-II (2007/2016) multipliers for hospitals NAICS Code 62000, released March 2018, applied to Health Forum, 2016 AHA Survey of Hospitals data.
Teaching hospitals train future health care professionals, conduct medical research and fulfill a distinct and vital role in delivering patient care. While many hospitals offer comprehensive care, our nation’s 1,041 teaching hospitals also deliver sophisticated diagnostic and treatment services
Americans rely heavily on hospitals to provide 24/7 access to care for all types of patients, to serve as a safety net provider for vulnerable populations, and to have the resources needed to respond to disasters. These roles are not explicitly funded; instead they are built into a hospital’s…
Regulations are essential to ensure safety and accountability. However, the rapid increase in the scope and volume of mandatory requirements diverts resources from the patient-centered mission of health systems, hospitals and post-acute care providers.