
American Hospital Association infographics for members and the health care field.

Integrated health systems have the critical scale, resources and expertise needed to decrease costs and enhance quality for patients and communities.
The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, known as SVR, poses a significant risk to U.S. and allied government networks.
Hospitals are committed to providing patients meaningful information about their out-of-pocket costs. CMS’ hospital price transparency rule goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2021. The AHA continues to oppose the requirement to publicly list privately negotiated rates or amounts that a hospital has…
As consumers take on greater responsibility for the cost of their care, hospitals have a responsibility to communicate with consumers upfront, sharing meaningful information and demonstrating caring and trust.
Download this infographic to learn how the AHA is working to make sure hospitals and health systems on the front lines have the supplies and equipment they need.
Hospitals and health systems need to find ways to attract, recruit, retain, reward and train workers who have the characteristics needed to be successful in the future world of health care work.
Hospitals and health systems are transforming to create coordinated systems of care for patients. They are redesigning how they deliver care to meet patients’ needs and provide patients and communities more convenient, cost-effective and innovative services. Realignment becomes necessary to remain…
The Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) requires the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to establish a program that promotes AUC for advanced diagnostic imaging. AUC are evidence-based criteria that assist professionals who order and furnish certain imaging services to make the…