Webinar Recordings

American Hospital Association webinar recordings for members and the health care field.

The AHA Aug. 20 at 12:30 p.m. ET held a webinar for members on which AHA leaders discussed the recently released CY 2020 PFS proposed rule that would update physician fee schedule rates by 0.14% in calendar year 2020 and implement several changes to payment and documentation for physician services
Kevin Bozic, M.D., Dell Medical School at UT Austin, and Mac Hogan, M.D., UPMC, discussed how to leverage bundled payment programs to review and redesign care processes at a systems level in order to be more focused on patient outcomes. Watch the recording now to learn more on this topic.
After navigating the data, engaging new partners, and employing action at a systems level, next comes the ultimate questions: Are the changes successful and how does one measure success?
Navigating how to use data to drive strategies for bundled care redesign can be overwhelming.
The AHA Center for Health Innovation, in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics (CHIBE), hosted a two-part introductory webinar series on bundled payments in the fall of 2018 called “Bundled Payments: Learning in Action Series.”
  AHA’s The Value Initiative and Section for Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Services joint virtual workshop on Integrating Behavioral Health and Primary Care, a 6
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 12:00 -1:00 p.m. Eastern Time Join AHA’s Value Initiative and AHA’s Section for Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Services for a joint Virtual Workshop webinar:  Community Collaborations and Medical Integration:  Effectively Addressing Substance Use Disorders…
March 12 at 2PM ET Join the AHA's Section for Psychiatric & Substance Abuse Services and AHA’s Physician Alliance on March 12 at 2 p.m. ET for a webinar on the Prescribe Safe Initiative.  
Identifying and engaging in the most effective clinical partnerships for improving care through bundled payment models redesign are crucial to success in driving better outcomes.