Webinar Recordings

American Hospital Association webinar recordings for members and the health care field.

Members-Only Conference Call Reducing the Impact of Addiction & Substance Abuse: Greater Bangor’s Community Health Leadership Board St. Joseph Healthcare, Bangor, ME Thursday, May 21, 2015  
Members-Only Webinar Psychiatric Patient Boarding Problems in the Emergency Department: Improving Timeliness, Access, and Quality Lowering Costs and Re-Hospitalizations Alameda Health System, Oakland, CA
Engaging Leadership and Governance in Quality and Patient Safety Initiatives
Held Thursday, February 5, 2015 On behalf of the American Hospital Association Section for Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Services, I invite you to join a small group of your executive colleagues for a webinar and discussion on how North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System (NSLIJ) is…
Monday, December 15, 2014 On behalf of the American Hospital Association (AHA) Sections for Maternal and Child Health and Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Services, we invite you to join us as we explore two unique models of care for the early identification and treatment of pregnant substance…