
American Hospital Association guides and reports for members and the health care field.

Table of Contents Executive Summary ....................................................................................... 1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 5 Estimating the Impact of ACA Repeal on Hospitals…
While there has been recent high profile media coverage of retail drug price increases, the hospital inpatient pharmaceutical market is often overlooked and is not systematically evaluated. This report presents recent trends in hospital inpatient drug prices and spending, providing policymakers and…
Violence in our communities is a serious public health issue, and as such, it is of great concern to hospitals that care for victims of violence and also prepare for possible mass events. While a review of prior research shows that numerous efforts from a range of perspectives have been made to…
 The American Hospital Association engaged the Navigant Center for Healthcare Research and Policy Analysis to collect data on the performance of provider-sponsored health plans (PSHPs) versus their non-provider sponsored health plan (NPSHP) competitors. A key aim of the study was to create
Research and data regarding the use and impact of telehealth in hospitals and health systems.
Profiles of Interviewed Health Systems - Compendium: Hospitals and Health Systems Prepare for a Value-driven Future