
American Hospital Association guides and reports for members and the health care field.

The guide is designed to: provide the strategies suggested by meeting participants and offer new ones to integrate and advance care that is family-centered and culturally and linguistically competent; and assist organizations and systems in meeting the MCHB performance measures for family-…
This guidebook offers a section on why investing in communities is necessary for the benefit of the overall health of local populations and in encouraging accountability. The guidebook encourages the involvement of leaders in the local community.
This report surveyed members of the National Association for Health Services Executives on their experiences working in health care, organizational priorities and strategies around DE&I, and opportunities in career advancement. The report recognized the need for policy change at the internal…
This guide is intended as a resource for effective dialogue about work with communities, with the overarching goal of beginning to collectively explore the vision, assets and commonalities that will help build a movement for positive and lasting social change towards a more just and equitable…
This report emphasizes the importance of providing healthcare professionals with learning opportunities to aid their ability to care for individuals different from themselves.
This PolicyLink report identifies key strategic actions and internal catalysts that can help companies in these industries prosper byaddressing the distinctive needs of customers of color.
The following nine steps break down these main phases into action steps employers can take to develop a DE&I initiative.
Simple Practices to Create Equitable and Inclusive Sourcing and Purchasing Pipeline.
Simple Policy Fixes for Inclusive sourcing and purchasing.
This article outlines the four phases of developing a DEI initiative in the workplace which is further broken down into 9 steps. It emphasizes the need for the organization and its leaders to track their goals and progress made by the diverse groups. In addition, the recommendations the group makes…