
American Hospital Association guides and reports for members and the health care field.

The authors conducted a literature review of academic, foundation, and government publications focusing on sociocultural barriers to care, the level of the health care system at which a given barrier occurs, and cultural competence efforts that address these barriers. A framework of organizational…
This field report looks at culturally competent care, the benefits and needs, and case studies. The case studies offer recommendations and analysis.
This resource analyzes and lists ADA compliance laws in relation to healthcare centers. They touch on reducing financial barriers to make these accesibility changes and increasing awareness for providers through training.
The guide is designed to: provide the strategies suggested by meeting participants and offer new ones to integrate and advance care that is family-centered and culturally and linguistically competent; and assist organizations and systems in meeting the MCHB performance measures for family-…
This guidebook offers a section on why investing in communities is necessary for the benefit of the overall health of local populations and in encouraging accountability. The guidebook encourages the involvement of leaders in the local community.
This report surveyed members of the National Association for Health Services Executives on their experiences working in health care, organizational priorities and strategies around DE…
This guide is intended as a resource for effective dialogue about work with communities, with the overarching goal of beginning to collectively explore the vision, assets and commonalities that will help build a movement for positive and lasting social change towards a more just and equitable…
This report looks at the different methods for collecting and analyzing data on race and ethnicity while also looking at government policies that enhance data disaggregation.
This USICH and their federal and national partners publication addresses the racial inequities that exist across experiences of homelessness. The purpose of this guidance is to provide communities with a framework for gathering and assessing that data.