Issue Landing Page

Landing pages for the American Hospital Association's top advocacy issues.

988 is a newly Federally designated number that, as of July 16, will connect with the current National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255). When fully implemented, the 988 number will offer crisis response services including stabilization, mobile team dispatch, and connections to follow-up…
The mission of all hospitals and health systems, regardless of size and type of ownership, is to care for their patients and communities. In addition to providing financial assistance to those in need, hospitals have programs that are responsive to their community’s needs. These community benefits…
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Hospitals and health systems can play an important role in ensuring children and adolescents receive the behavioral health care they need to thrive.
AHA and AHRQ are releasing a new toolkit for preventing CLABSI and CAUTI in intensive care units. It the customizable resource offers assessment tools and a reduction plan.
As part of AHA's Better Health for Mothers and Babies initiative, this webpage is designed to provide information, resources and best practices to better support hospitals in addressing maternal mental health
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The Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) program provides essential financial assistance to hospitals that care for our nation’s most vulnerable populations – children, the poor, the disabled and the elderly. However, the projected increase in coverage has not been fully realized due to…
Cybersecurity vulnerabilities and intrusions pose risks for every hospital, and its reputation. The American Hospital Association offers resources for hospitals and health systems to protect themselves and their patients.