
The latest stories from AHA Today.

The AHA and other national hospital organizations urged the Department of Health and Human Services and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to make improvements to the Medicare Accelerated and Advance Payment Programs.
President Trump yesterday suspended new immigrant visas for 60 days, exempting medical and other essential workers combating the COVID-19 emergency.
The House of Representatives today approved and sent to the president the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act, a COVID-19 relief package that includes an additional $75 billion to reimburse eligible hospitals, health systems and other providers for health care-related…
As health care unleashes every tool at its disposal against COVID-19, new and evolving technologies are leading the way.
The Medicare Hospital Insurance Trust Fund will have sufficient funds to pay full benefits until 2026, according to the latest annual report from the Medicare Board of Trustees.
The Health Resources and Service Administration announced that the National Practitioner Data Bank will reimburse entities that conducted queries (one-time and continuous) via query credits, retroactive to March 1, 2020, and lasting through May 31.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services approved a state of Washington-developed emergency demonstration project to adjust its Medicaid program temporarily in order to combat COVID-19.
The Department of Health and Human Services' Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response has shared a number of new COVID-19-related resources, including alternate care toolkits and strategies; webinars on relieving health care worker stress and crisis standards of care; and a…
The Oklahoma Health Care Authority asked the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to approve a Healthy Adult Opportunity demonstration waiver for its new low-income adult Medicaid population.
The Food and Drug Administration recently announced that Avet Pharmaceuticals Inc. issued a voluntary recall of the antibiotic, tetracycline, specifically, Tetracycline HCl Capsules USP, 250 mg and 500 mg, distributed under the Heritage Pharmaceuticals Inc. label.