
Blogs from AHA leaders and members on the latest health care issues.

Hospitals serving marginalized urban communities need additional federal support so they can meet their mission of advancing health for the patients and communities they serve.
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recently released a paper that includes several policy options ostensibly intended to reduce health insurance premiums.
In an industry like health care, where employees are chronically exposed to stressful and even life-threatening experiences, proactively preventing suicide is paramount.
A survey released in early September from Proofpoint, Inc., and the Ponemon Institute, on cybersecurity in health care raises important issues but appears to have a number of significant limitations.
In July, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services published its annual outpatient prospective payment system regulation.
Stress has always been present in our lives, but during the COVID-19 pandemic, it reached new levels for many groups of people.
This is a confusing time in the public health emergency. Americans are thinking less about COVID-19 on a daily basis and many are eager to move on.
A Quality Leadership Roundtable that took place at the 2022 American Hospital Association Leadership Summit in San Diego. Hosted by the AHA Living Learning Network.
All hospitals and health systems, regardless of size, location and type of ownership, are deeply dedicated to caring for their patients and communities in a wide variety of ways. A report from May by the respected accounting firm EY demonstrates that for every dollar invested in non-profit…