AHA Ad Urges Americans to Get Vaccinated and Boosted as Omicron Cases Rise Significantly

Special Bulletin

December 22, 2021

Ad will begin running Sunday in The New York Times and The Washington Post; efforts will be amplified on social media channels

The American Hospital Association will run a new print ad in The New York Times and The Washington Post highlighting the urgent need for all individuals to get vaccinated, get a booster shot and follow public health guidelines as COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations increase rapidly across the country.

As the delta variant continues to surge and the omicron variant causes workforce shortages to be exacerbated, hospitals and health systems are being pushed to the brink. The ad says in part that, “unvaccinated people are 14 times more likely to die from COVID-19. Thousands of people on their deathbeds repeat a simple line: ‘I wish I had gotten vaccinated.’”

Science has shown that getting vaccinated and receiving a booster shot decreases a person’s chance of contracting COVID-19, becoming severely sick, ending up in the hospital and dying. The ad references a recent open letter to the public signed by leaders of nine health systems in Minnesota sounding the alarm about the impact of dealing with COVID-19 surges. AHA’s ad implores the public to follow the science and get vaccinated and boosted.

The AHA ad will begin running on Sunday, Dec. 26 and will be spotlighted on AHA’s social media channels. The ad is part of the AHA’s ongoing efforts to encourage the public to get vaccinated and boosted. Last week, the AHA, American Medical Association and American Nurses Association shared a statement with the media calling for widespread vaccinations and booster shots during the holiday season.

Further Questions

If you have questions, please contact AHA at 800-424-4301.