AHA Statement on President Biden’s Executive Orders

Rick Pollack
President and CEO
American Hospital Association

January 21, 2021

America’s hospitals and health systems commend President Biden and his Administration for acting swiftly to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Ending this virus and returning to normal life are among the highest priorities we share with the Administration.

In particular, we are pleased that the Administration will use all the tools at their disposal, including increased use of the Defense Production Act (DPA), to accelerate the availability of the supplies and equipment needed to fight COVID-19. This includes PPE for our heroic front-line caregivers and supplies needed to ramp up testing and vaccinations. We know the DPA may not be able to solve all equipment shortages, but it will certainly help.

The directives issued by the Administration will also help increase coordination and communication among all stakeholders involved in vaccination efforts and increase access to COVID-19 vaccines, treatments and care. Importantly, they will lead to more adherence to the public health measures we know work, especially mask wearing.

We also applaud the Administration for implementing a government-wide approach to examining and addressing inequities affecting racial and ethnic groups, religious minorities, the LGBTQ community, rural Americans and others facing economic insecurity and inequality. This new approach includes reversal of the executive order the AHA opposed during the previous administration that prohibited federal agencies from conducting and funding diversity, inclusion and racial reconciliation trainings. We also support today’s move to restore non-discrimination protections based on gender identity or sexual orientation.

We are pleased to see increasing federal leadership, support and resources to fight this pandemic that has devastated countless families and communities. The AHA looks forward to continuing to work with President Biden and his new Administration in addressing all aspects of COVID-19.



Contact:        Colin Milligan, (202) 638-5491, cmilligan@aha.org
                      Marie Johnson, (202) 626-2351, mjohnson@aha.org

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