2 Results Found

Chief Executive Do & Don'ts in Recruiting Non-profit Board Members


This tool provides the do's and don'ts on the level involvement of the chief executive be in the recruitment process. While the board is ultimately responsible for recruiting and selecting new board members, the chief executive also plays an important role in the process. Including information from Recruiting a Stronger Board, this resource explains when CEOs should be involved and when they need to take a step back.

Diverse Representation in Executive Leadership and Governance, Governing Bodies

Does Your Hospital Reflect the Community It Serves?


This toolkit provides checklists to assess the organization's diversity (inclusing leadership), workforce diversity, and patient care while providing action steps to move toward being a more diverse organization. The toolkit also provides case studies of various hospitals who took initatives toward becoming more diverse and their outcomes.

Community Collaboration for Solutions, Investing in Your Community, Understanding Your Community, Culturally Appropriate Patient Care, Diverse Representation in Executive Leadership and Governance, Executive Leaders, Governing Bodies, Workforce Diversity, Employee-Led Groups, Health Equity Champions