Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources and Special Communications

Below are links to AHA resources developed in response to novel coronavirus (COVID-19). For all coronavirus resources and news updates, visit our COVID-19 page.


Existing hospital or community based infusion centers Existing clinical space (e.g. urgent care, emergency depts) Ad hoc new infusion sites (e.g.
In early February 2020, U.S. health care systems watched with growing concern as COVID-19 reached the nation, affecting states, local communities and the entire health care infrastructure.
The Kansas Hospital Association launched an initiative with several ways for people to show appreciation to health care heroes during the pandemic.
Sutter Health, based in Sacramento, an integrated network of clinicians, employees and volunteers
COVID-19 may be stifling normal operations around the country, but it isn’t stopping targeted innovation efforts with strong ROI potential to cut care delivery costs. In fact, 15 of 20 prominent health systems recently surveyed are actively pursuing commercial relationships with health tech startups.
With the daily count of COVID-19 diagnoses spiking nationally and some hospitals experiencing surge levels not seen since the spring, and with flu season upon us, an important question looms: Will health care’s global supply chain be able to meet the demand for personal protective equipment (PPE) and other products?
The content vault from the AHA’s Center for Health Innovation and Society for Health Care Strategy & Market Development’s 'Navigating a New Reality' virtual conference is available on demand.
In January of this year, I began my first president’s column by stating: Today’s health care environment is dynamic, holding an uncertain future.
AHA letter urging the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to immediately withdraw the new condition of participation that threatens to expel hospitals from the Medicare program if they fail to comply with “frequently changing and confusing” COVID-19 data collection efforts.
The Department of Health and Human Services issued an important clarification to its Oct. 22 reporting requirements for providers that received Provider Relief Fund payments.
In anticipation of the likely issuance of emergency use authorizations (EUAs) for at least two monoclonal antibody therapeutic drugs developed to treat certain COVID-19 positive patients, providers should begin planning for the distribution and administration process of these therapeutics.
This Special Bulletin details the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health Information Technology’s interim final rule with comment period to delay the Nov. 2 compliance date for the information blocking provisions of ONC’s Cures Act final rule, while also extending timelines for certain requirements related to the certification of health IT.
All accreditation organizations are working on backlogs of surveys delayed by the public health emergency (PHE) declared in March.
The American Hospital Association’s (AHA) Center for Health Innovation partnered with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The northern Rocky Mountains, Great Plains and Upper Midwest are seeing a surge in COVID-19 cases that has led to shortages of health care workers.
The Joint Commission and Deloitte shared a free white paper, COVID-19 Lessons Learned: A Resource for Recovery.
[PRESS RELEASE] Project Firstline is a CDC national training collaborative offering timely infection control training to front line health care workers and the public health workforce in the fight against infectious disease threats. As a key partner in this initiative, AHA is pleased to help bring this critical training opportunity to the health care field and champion sound decision-making and positive behaviors in a time of crisis.
The American Hospital Association is proud to partner with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to reach and engage all health care personnel with vital online COVID-19 curriculum.