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Addressing Prenatal Substance Use

In this podcast, we have Priya Bathija, vice president of Strategic Initiatives at the AHA and Dr.
Issue Brief

Data Brief: Workforce Issues Remain at the Forefront of Pandemic-related Challenges for Hospitals

As demand for hospital care remains high and patient acuity for both COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 care has increased, hospitals and health systems are facing a critical shortage of workers necessary to meet that demand.
Special Bulletin

CMS Releases FY 2023 Long-term Care Hospital PPS Proposed Rule

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) yesterday issued the fiscal year (FY) 2023 proposed rule for the inpatient and long-term care hospital (LTCH) prospective payment systems (PPS).
H-ISAC: White Reports

H-ISAC TLP Green Coronavirus Daily Update November 4, 2021

The major Headlines, “Good Stuff”, US Snapshots, US Vaccinations, US Variant Proportions, Highlights, as well as key Statistics, US State Variants, Vaccine and Treatment information, US State Mandates and the Back to Normal Index related to the novel coronavirus pandemic.
Fact Sheets

Report: Examining the Real Factors Driving Physician Practice Acquisition

Policymakers and others have expressed growing concern about the trend of physician practices becoming affiliated with hospitals and health systems.
Special Bulletin

AHA Summary of Hospital Inpatient PPS Proposed Rule for Fiscal Year 2023

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) April 18 issued its hospital inpatient prospective payment system (PPS) and long-term care hospital (LTCH) PPS proposed rule for fiscal year (FY) 2023.
Press Releases

AHA Statement on New York Times Article on Hospital Finances and Covid Relief

Today’s New York Times article tells a misleading story about COVID-19 funding for hospitals and health systems. It also falls short in acknowledging the lifeline integration was able to offer hospitals struggling to navigate the pandemic.
Issue Landing Page

Cybersecurity Advocacy Resources, Thought Leadership and Latest News

Cybersecurity vulnerabilities and intrusions pose risks for every hospital, and its reputation. The American Hospital Association offers resources for hospitals and health systems to protect themselves and their patients.

Agencies recommend action to protect against top malware threats

A new advisory from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and Australian Cyber Security Centre details the top malware strains observed last year and immediate actions organizations should take to protect themselves from these remote access Trojans, information stealers and ransomware threats.

Medicare releases billing code for new COVID-19 omicron variant treatment

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has released Medicare payment codes effective Feb. 11 for administering the monoclonal antibody bebtelovimab, effective against the omicron COVID-19 variant.