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33586 Results Found


Another Unfounded Attack on Hospitals From The Shadowy Arnold Ventures

A new opinion piece supported by Arnold Ventures and published in the New England Journal of Medicine is another unfair assault on the only sector in health care that routinely gives back so much more to their communities than they receive in tax relief.
Special Bulletin

CMS Issues Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule for CY 2024

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) July 13 issued a proposed rule that would update physician fee schedule (PFS) payments for calendar year (CY) 2024.

Video offers tips for using AHA resource to support workforce well-being

A new video explains how an AHA suicide prevention resource developed in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention can help hospitals and health systems support workforce well-being.

AHA podcast: The Other Side of Rural Health Care

The CEO of Titus Regional Medical Center in rural Texas shares how strong community bonds and personal relationships work to drive community health improvement, wherever you live.

CMS seeks input to inform future episode-based payment model

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services seeks public input to inform potential rulemaking or policies to design a future episode-based payment model. The model would build on lessons learned from other bundled payment models, such as Bundled Payments for Care Improvement, BPCI Advanced, and Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement.

Bills to reauthorize PAHPA, CHGME, SUPPORT Act programs advance in House

The House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee yesterday passed 17 health-related bills, including legislation that would reauthorize the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act, Children’s Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Program, and key programs within the Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities (SUPPORT) Act, as well as other health-related bills.
Cybersecurity Government Intelligence Reports

HC3 TLP Clear Threat Briefing: AI, Cybersecurity and the Health Sector

What is artificial intelligence? How does it work? What does it mean for cybersecurity, especially for healthcare?

Let’s End Commercial Insurer Barriers that Reduce Access to Care

Many commercial health insurance policies and practices often disrupt, delay and deny medically necessary care to patients.

The Other Side of Rural Health Care

Squeezed budgets, lack of insurance, transportation and access issues, dwindling patient populations — all problems facing rural health care providers in America.