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PAHPA, CHGME, SUPPORT Act bills clear House committee

The House Energy and Commerce Committee passed 15 health-related bills approved by its health subcommittee last week, including bills that would reauthorize the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act, Children’s Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Program, and key programs within the Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities (SUPPORT) Act.  

Senate committee advances bill to reauthorize preparedness programs

The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee voted 17-3 to pass as amended the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Response Act (S. 2333), which would reauthorize the Hospital Preparedness Program at the current funding level of $385 million through fiscal year 2029.

Recent Study on Pandemic Funding Narrow and Incomplete

America’s hospitals and health systems, regardless of size, location and ownership type, provided essential care to their patients and communities during the pandemic. Congress recognized the critical role hospitals play as the backbone of our health care system and swiftly took steps in the early days of the pandemic to provide support to ensure hospitals would remain resilient.
Press Releases

AHA Announces Class of 2024 Next Gen Fellows

The American Hospital Association’s (AHA) Next Generation Leaders Fellowship, focused on empowering leaders to bring about real and lasting change in health care, announced its latest class of fellows consisting of 43 individuals, including 12 Age-Friendly Fellows supported by The John A. Hartford Foundation.
Action Alert

ACT TODAY: Congressional Committees Discussing Site-neutral Payment Proposals Senate

Both the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee and House Ways and Means Committee are expected to discuss and mark-up proposed bills with site-neutral payment and other policies expected to significantly impact hospitals if enacted.
Health Plan Accountability Update

Health Plan Accountability Update: July 2023


Senate HELP committee to consider workforce bill with site-neutral cuts

Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., July 19 introduced legislation that would use site-neutral payments to fund community health centers and health care workforce initiatives.

AHA Letter in Support of the Preserving Rules Ordered for The Entities Covered Through (PROTECT) 340B Act of 2023

AHA is pleased to support the Preserving Rules Ordered for The Entities Covered Through (PROTECT) 340B Act of 2023.

AHA podcast: Succession planning and growing the next generation of leaders

Brian Juncker, managing partner of Strategic Talent Solutions, and Frank Venuto, chief human capital officer at Nebraska Medicine, join this discussion around succession planning and growing the next generation of health care leaders

FTC and DOJ seek comment on updated draft merger guidelines 

The Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice July 19 released for comment through Sept. 18 updated guidance () describing how the agencies’ review mergers and acquisitions to determine compliance with federal antitrust laws.