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AHA podcast: How Technology Can Prepare the Health Care Workforce and Transform Care

Hear how Northwestern Medicine is using digital technology to better prepare teams to work in the new world of health care, and why a digital mindset is vital to care transformation.

New infographic highlights hospitals’ valuable role in communities

The AHA Sept. 22 released a new infographic highlighting many ways hospitals and health systems advance health and support their communities.

White House establishes gun violence prevention office

President Biden Sept. 22 established the first White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention to reduce gun violence.

Keeping up the Pressure to Protect Access to Care

As we’ve seen from recent media reports, Congress — and especially the House right now — continues to struggle to put together a plan to keep the government funded and avoid a potential shutdown that few want to see.

Agency kicks off rulemaking to remove medical bills from credit reports

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Sept. 21 launched a rulemaking process to remove medical bills from credit reports by releasing a document that outlines proposals under consideration.
Trustee Magazine Articles

The Ever-important Role of Hospital Community Boards

Community governance is more critical today than ever before considering recent, often fast-moving trends and changes in the U.S. health care market. Nonprofit hospitals and health systems that double down on strong community governance not only have increased likelihood of staying true to their mission, but also have distinct strategic advantages over those that do not.

Households can order 8 more free at-home COVID-19 tests

The U.S. Postal Service has delivered about 350 million free at-home tests to households since January. On December 15, 2022, the Biden Administration announced its COVID-⁠19 Winter Preparedness Plan. As part of this plan, free COVID-19 tests are once again available through

Government Funding Talks Continue, Hospitals and Health Systems Should Monitor Situation

There are nine days until the end of the federal fiscal year, and none of the 12 annual appropriations bills necessary to fund the federal government have been enacted.

Senate panel advances workforce, maternal health bills

The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee today voted 14-7 to advance as amended to the full Senate the Bipartisan Primary Care and Health Workforce Expansion Act (S. 2840), legislation that would cut hospitals and health systems to fund community health centers and health care workforce initiatives.

Audrey Gregory