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33561 Results Found


Senate HELP Committee approves more Cures-related bills

The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee today

HHS reports on trends in prescription drug spending

Spending on prescription drugs rose by 12.6% in 2014 and is projected to rise by an average 7.3% annually through 2018, according to a new

CMS proposes to test alternative payment model for Medicare Part B drugs

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today released a proposed rule to t

HHS ships blood products to Puerto Rico in response to Zika outbreak

The Department of Health and Human Services is arranging and funding

National Fire Protection Association issues draft revised codes for comment

The National Fire Protection Association is accepting comments through May 16 on proposed revisions to its Life Safety Code and Health Care Facilities Code for 2018.

AHA issues proceedings from Summit event on physician organization governance

The AHA’s Physician Leadership Forum has released proceedings from its annual educational session, which focused on physician organization governance.

Study: Physician practices spend $15.4 billion annually to report quality measures

Physician practices each week spend more than 15 hours per physician to track and report quality measures for Medicare, Medicaid and private health insurers at an estimated cost of at least $15.4 b

NAM issues educational framework for addressing social determinants of health

A National Academy of Medicine committee today proposed a