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AHA releases latest Health Care Plan Accountability Update

The AHA Nov. 20 released its Health Care Plan Accountability Update, covering the latest developments in Medicare Advantage, legislation and regulation of private health insurers, as well as webinars and other resources from the last quarter.

Better Behavioral Health Care Through Collaboration and Virtual Care

In the U.S. health care system, the demand for behavioral health care has long outpaced availability, with many patients forced to turn to their primary care providers for help. To find a solution, Henry Ford Health System decided to get creative with a new collaborative care program that for the first time integrated primary care with behavioral health.

Chair File: Giving Thanks for the People Working at Hospitals and Health Systems

This week, as many of us gather with family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving, let’s give thanks for the incredible dedication, compassion and expertise of the people working at hospitals and health systems.
340B Advocacy Alliance Bulletin

Resources to Address 340B Underpayments by Medicare Advantage Organizations

To assist members in their efforts to obtain reimbursement under their contracts with their MAO plans, we have identified and spoken with four outside law firms that have considerable experience with 340B questions and litigating against insurers on issues like these.

Case Study: Recruiting and Retaining an International Health Care Workforce

Fisher-Titus Medical Center in Norwalk, Ohio, addressed its nursing workforce gap by recruiting international nurses and working to create a welcoming and supportive environment where nurses choose to remain for many years to come.

AHA podcast: Rural Emergency Hospitals as a new model of care

Laura Appel, executive vice president of the Michigan Health and Hospital Association, and Christina Campos, CEO at Guadalupe County Hospital, New Mexico, discuss what’s involved in converting to and meeting the eligibility requirements of a Rural Emergency Hospital, and what patients stand to gain from it.

CMS accepting state applications to participate in new all-payer model

States interested in participating in Cohort 1 or 2 of the States Advancing All-Payer Health Equity Approaches and Development Model may apply until 3 p.m. on March 18 and are encouraged to submit a letter of intent by Feb. 5, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced Nov. 16.

Anita L.A. Jenkins

American Hospital Association 2022 IRS Form 990

A tax-exempt organization must file an annual information return or notice with the IRS, unless an exception applies. Form 990 is the IRS' primary tool for gathering information about tax-exempt organizations, educating organizations about tax law requirements and promoting compliance. Organizations also use the Form 990 to share information with the public about their programs.