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33575 Results Found


AHA, Others Urge Congress to Reauthorize Health Care Preparedness Law

Nearly 50 organizations, including the AHA, urge congressional leaders to reauthorize before yearend the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act, which expired Sept. 30.
Special Bulletin

AHA 2024 Health Care Workforce Scan

The AHA Nov. 15 released its 2024 Health Care Workforce Scan — an annual snapshot of America’s hospital and health system employment, based on reports, studies and other data sources from leading organizations and researchers. The scan also offers valuable insights and practical recommendations to guide member organizations forward. The AHA Nov. 15 released its 2024 Health Care Workforce Scan — an annual snapshot of America’s hospital and health system employment, based on reports, studies and other data sources from leading organizations and researchers. The scan also offers valuable insights and practical recommendations to guide member organizations forward. The complex workforce challenges hospitals and health care systems face are an amalgam of new concerns and old issues. Successfully navigating them requires an ongoing commitment to develop innovative, multifaceted solutions. Under the direction of the AHA Board Task Force on Workforce, the Association continues to provide the field with tools, data, successful practices and strategies to strengthen the health care workforce now, in the near future and over the long term.
H-ISAC: Green Reports

H-ISAC TLP Green Ransomware Data Leak Sites Report - November 13, 2023

A daily ransomware tracker at TLP:GREEN for the purpose of increasing ransomware threat awareness.
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Advocacy Issue: Mergers and Acquisitions

One of the most important tools that hospitals can use to increase access and quality of care and manage risk and financial pressures are mergers and acquisitions. A range of partnerships, mergers and acquisitions enable hospitals to expand service offerings, broaden networks and access to specialists, improve quality and better serve patients where they live.
Presentation Resource

Member Login for Presentation Center

The Presentation Center is an American Hospital Association member benefit. You must login with AHA Member credentials to access the Presentation Center.

Senate subcommittee examines making Medicare telehealth coverage permanent

In a letter submitted to the Senate Finance Subcommittee on Health for a hearing Nov. 14, the AHA expressed support for the CONNECT Act (S.2016/H.R. 4189) and urged Congress to allow Medicare beneficiaries to access telehealth services wherever they and their providers are and allow rural health clinics, federally qualified health centers and critical access hospitals to serve as distance sites.

House passes continuing resolution

The House Nov. 14 voted 336-95 to pass a continuing resolution (H.R.6363) that funds the federal government through early 2024.

SAMHSA releases latest U.S. survey on drug use and health

Almost one in four U.S. adults reported having a mental illness in 2022, while one in five adolescents reported a major depressive episode, according to the latest national survey.

AHA, ASHP urge congressional leaders to reject proposed site-neutral legislation

The AHA and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Nov. 14 urged House and Senate leaders to oppose any policies that fail to take into account the costs of safely providing drug administration services to the complex patients that hospitals serve.  

Facility Safety and Security in Health Care Dec 7

Moderated by HAV advisory group member, Kurt Barwis, president and CEO of Bristol (Conn.) Health, representatives from The Joint Commission and the International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety provide field intelligence, discuss proven security technologies and give an update on TJC’s workplace violence standards.