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33591 Results Found

Case Studies

Greenville Hospital System - Every Woman

What is it?The goal of the Every Woman health initiative is to help women of all ages, races and economic backgrounds achieve and maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle through preventi
Case Studies

Pratt Regional Medical Center - Youth Substance Abuse Prevention

What is it?Pratt Regional Medical Center (PRMC) has formed a relationship with the Pratt County Sheriff and local schools in an effort to prevent substance abuse among our youth.
Case Studies

Geary Community Hospital - Geary Community Oral Health Initiative

What is it?The hospital brought community partners together and identified two key factors in addressing the dental crisis: Education and Access.
Case Studies

Via Christi Health - CareVan Transportation Program

What is it?Mt. Carmel has historically reached out to meet the needs of a region documented to be poor, elderly, and underserved. The Mt.
Case Studies

Rawlins County Health Center - Cardiac Rehabilitation Phase III Wellness Program

What is it?This individualized program is for patients who have recently graduated from the Phase II program or have completed a similar monitored training program elsewhere.
Case Studies

Pratt Regional Medical Center - Books for Babes

What is it?Books for Babes is a Pratt Regional Medical Center volunteer-sponsored literacy program for new moms, dads, and babies .The importance of reading is a message many PRMC voluntee
Case Studies

Stormont-Vail HealthCare - HealthWise 55 Program

What is it?Stormont-Vail's HealthWise 55 (HW55) program assists those 55 years of age and older. Health education and prevention are the main focus of this program.
Case Studies

Salina Regional Health Center - Community Health Investment Program

What is it?Salina Regional Health Center tithes a portion of its operating margin each year to the Salina Regional Health Foundation's Community Health Investment Program (CHIP).
Case Studies

Borgess Health - Borgess Visiting Nurse and Hospice Program

What is it?The visiting nurse and hospice program incorporates a multidisciplinary team of health professionals able to evaluate and treat patients’ medical, social, emotional, end-of-life
Case Studies

Crozer-Keystone Health System - New Pathways

What is it?This program provides intensive behavioral health treatment in the public school setting.