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33593 Results Found

Case Studies

Jones Memorial Hospital - Wellness Screens

What is it?Hospital clinicians traveled to seven locations in the rural county to offer free Wellness Screens.
Case Studies

The MetroHealth System - Engage Quarrytown

What is it?The MetroHealth System recognizes that our health and well-being are the result of more than just the health care we receive and the choices we make, but also the places and con
Case Studies

St. Jude Medical Center - Move More Eat Healthy Campaign

What is it?The Move More Eat Healthy Campaign is designed to implement policy, system and environment changes that will reduce obesity in low-income communities of North Orange County, Cal
Case Studies

The MetroHealth System - VIDA!

What is it?The VIDA! project focuses on the Hispanic/Latino neighborhood in the immediate vicinity of MetroHealth's main campus designated as a food desert by the USDA.
Case Studies

Parkview Health - HEAL (Healthy Eating Active Living)

What is it?HEAL (Healthy Eating Active Living) is a jointly funded collaborative effort by Parkview Health and the St.
Case Studies

Greene County Medical Center Public Health - Drive-through Flu Clinics

What is it?Greene County Medical Center Public Health, a hospital-based agency, offered “drive-through flu clinics” for the first time in 2015.
Case Studies

Parkview Health - Planting Healthy Seeds

What is it?Planting Healthy Seeds (PHS) is a nutrition and physical activity curriculum developed by Parkview Health’s Community Health Improvement Program and Healthy Living Team in partn
Case Studies

Sakakawea Medical Center - Journey to Wellness

What is it?This worksite wellness program was developed to empower individuals to take ownership and responsibility for improving their health.
Case Studies

Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital - Health and Wellness Services for Stress

What is it?Health and Wellness Services offers programs that help patients manage and decrease their stress, especially following a heart attack or other major disease event.
Case Studies

Andalusia Regional Hospital - The Childrens Advocacy Center

What is it?The Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) provides a child-friendly environment where families can go in cases of suspected abuse.