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757 Results Found

Amicus Brief

Amicus Brief: State and Regional Hospital Associations Express Support for AHA’s 340B Case September 9, 2021

At a Glance Amici curiae are 37 non-profit state and regional hospital associations. They represent thousands of hospitals and health systems across the United States.
AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan

Some Health Care Startups Require Performance-Based Contracts

Even as many hospitals and health care systems continue to evaluate whether to participate in risk-based reimbursement models, some health care startups are betting their futures on it.

Groups urge Supreme Court to review site-neutral, 340B cases

State and regional hospital associations filed friend-of-the-court briefs supporting AHA’s request for the U.S. Supreme Court to review two circuit court decisions last July that threaten continued access to care for hospital outpatients in need.

Three Breakthroughs in Clinical Technology

Snapshot Trustee's partnership with ECRI Institute continues with this overview of three breakthroughs in clinical technology that have the potential to improve, lengthen and save lives.

Study: Insulin payment strategy could reduce costs for insurers, patients

A new study adds to a growing body of literature suggesting that human insulins may result in similar clinical outcomes as higher cost insulin analogues for many patients with type 2 diabetes.

AHA Testimony for the Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Oversight

Tax-exempt hospitals have special obligations to their communities in exchange for that privilege. They report the amounts they spend on community benefits yearly and conduct a community needs assessment at least every three years. There is no doubt that these hospitals both meet and exceed any requirements and expectations that attach to the privilege of tax exemption.

Eliminating Disparities in Health Outcomes Case Example: Project Dulce

Case Study: Filipino and Vietnamese Populations Manage Their Diabetes

Compassion starts with putting the person in front of the diagnosis

One way to demonstrate respect and not stigmatize when discussing people with mental health diagnoses is to use person-first language, writes Kelly Ryan, director of social services and doctoral training at Linden Oaks at Edward Hospital and Health Services in Illinois, and Gina Sharp, president and CEO of Linden Oaks Behavioral Health.

Case Study: Eliminating Disparities in Health Outcomes - Kaiser Permanente

Kaiser Permanente - Addressing Diabetes Among the Latino Population, Denver, CO, La Clinica de la Familia

Key Considerations for Telehealth & RPM Expansion

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