H-ISAC: White Reports

In May 2021, vulnerabilities in common information systems relevant to the healthcare sector have been disclosed to the public and warrant attention.
H-ISAC TLP Green Daily Cyber Headlines for June 11, 2021
Health-ISAC and Microsoft have partnered together to deliver a new medium to discuss notable vulnerabilities patched in the recent Patch Tuesday update.
H-ISAC TLP Green Daily Cyber Headlines for June 10, 2021.
On June 8, 2021, Joint Cybersecurity Advisory AA21-159A: North Korean Cyber Actors Targeting Vaccine and Virology Organizations was distributed by Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the United Kingdom (UK) National Cyber Security…
H-ISAC TLP Green Daily Cyber Headlines for June 8, 2021
As Microsoft has released over 50 security fixes in their recent June Patch Tuesday for software to resolve critical and important issues, Microsoft also mitigated six zero-days that are being actively exploited in the wild. Additionally, please look forward to the monthly Heath-ISAC and…
This week Hacking Healthcare includes examining a workforce study that shows just how significantly COVID-19 has shifted the work setting expectations and preferences of younger generations.
ICS Advisory (ICSA-21-147-03) was recently released, which highlighted five critical vulnerabilities that have been identified in the MesaLabs AmegaView that provide continuous monitoring systems that are used in hospital laboratories, forensics labs, and biotech firms. Two of the flaws are…