Between at least June 2018 and January 2019, Nigerian cyber criminals have targeted and accessed healthcare claims payment processors throughout the US to replace legitimate customer banking and contact information with accounts controlled by the cyber criminals.
This PIN has been released TLP: GREEN: The information in this product is useful for the awareness of all participating organizations within their sector or community View the full Alert here.   
As of November 2018, more than 700 Industrial Control Systems (ICS) belonging to US-based networks accepted connections through port 1911 to the Tridium Niagara Framework’s Fox protocol from random public IP addresses.
The Trickbot banking trojan targeted online banking credentials to target US institutions using static and dynamic Web injects for financial gain, since July 2017.
Cyber actors targeted US critical infrastructure using a malicious attachment leveraging the “shellshock” vulnerability based on historical and current investigative analysis.
      The FBI has observed an increase in cybercriminal actors using widespread tactics to gain access to companies’ employee payroll data. In 2017, the FBI and IC3 identified approximately 17 cases. As of July 2018, the FBI and IC3 have identified approximately 47 payroll…